Ill. Walter F. Wheeler, 33°
Commander Wheeler began his journey as a member of Grand Rapids Chapter, Order of DeMolay in 1970. He served as Master Councilor in 1973 and District Master Councilor of District #4 in 1974. He is a holder of the degree of Chevalier, as well as the DeMolay Legion of Honor.

Ill. Donald R. Heldman, 33°
Donald R. Heldman (Dick), 33°, was born January 10th, 1959, in Cambridge, Ohio. Brother Heldman was raised a Master Mason in Cambridge Lodge No. 66, in 1992. He served as Worshipful Master 1995-96. He also served as a Trustee and Chaplain until relocating to Northeast Ohio. In 2016 he joined Rockton Lodge No. 316 in Kent, OH as a plural member. In 1992 Brother Heldman joined the A.A.S.R Valley of Cambridge.