The Masonic Assistance Program (MAP) of the Valley of Akron AASR began 30 years ago this year as the Christmas Basket Program, which remains our most visible and most active service. Every December our volunteers meet at Craftsmen Park to fill baskets (laundry baskets or storage totes) with groceries so that families in need across Summit County and the surrounding area can have a holiday meal.
It goes without saying that we can’t do this alone, and we continue to be very thankful for all of the support provided by the lodges of the 21st Masonic District and Masons throughout the northeastern Ohio area. Through your generosity, more than 100 families have been assisted with baskets or vouchers at Christmas and beyond each year. Each basket or voucher is valued at $100.
MAP remains a small operation, and we’re not going to change the world. But with your help we will make it just a little better – just a little easier – and you’d be surprised what a difference even that can make.
The individuals and families that we help are in difficult situations. It’s not easy to ask for help. If you know of someone who is having trouble making ends meet this year, please let us know.
Names are needed by December 1st to guarantee a basket. If a basket is not available, a grocery gift card for the same value will be provided. No one will go away empty-handed.
All information submitted is kept confidential to the Masonic Assistance Program and will neither be published nor shared with outside parties.
MAP is funded entirely by donation, and your generosity ensures that we can continue our good work for years to come. Monetary donations can be made to The Aroba Lodge of Perfection (with MAP on the memo line) and sent to:
The groceries are delivered in laundry baskets to each family. Baskets are as low as $3.89 at most major retailers including Walmart, Target, Menards, and Meijer’s. If chosen the baskets can be dropped off at one of the locations below:
Cuyahoga Falls Masonic Temple
2307 Sackett Ave
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
National Lodge #568
915 W. Hopocan Ave.
Barberton, Ohio 44203
If ordering online, baskets can be shipped to:
MAP Program
5206 Frederick Street
Barberton, Ohio 44203
Or by calling 330-203-7559 for pickup

If you have questions or would like more information please contact us at: