As a Master Mason and part of the Valley of Akron, you can earn the rite and privilege to wear a black hat among your brothers! The only requirement is to get involved! By attending 10 Valley of Akron events and visiting two other distinct Valleys, you will be on your way to turning in your card.

Eligible Events Include Valley of Akron Sponsored Functions Such As:
• Stated Meetings
• Reunion (must attend both days to get credit as 1 event)
• Rite on the Road
• Rubber Ducks Game
• Special Dinners (Scholarship, Workers Dinner, Veterans dinner, Feast of the
Pascal Lamb, Valley Picnic, etc…)
• Securing of one petition will also be considered as one event.
• Ohio Council of Deliberation
• Visit Another Valley (Must Be 2 Different)
Step 1: Attend an Event or Valley
Step 2: Fill out the event name and date on your card, and have it initialed by one of the following:
• Current Presiding Officer
• Valley Secretary
• Membership Chairman (RWB Wilson)
• Illustrious Bro Easterling
Step 3: Submit your card to the Valley Secretary or Membership Chairman, along
with your hat size
You can receive a second card and start working toward a box to keep
your hat in!
If you have any questions, contact RWB Wilson at 330-807-2198 or
[email protected]