Fourteen “Traditional”, “Chivalric” and “Modern” Degrees – from the 19th to the 32nd inclusive, are conferred in a Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. Each Degree dramatizes its own unique and independent message and applies it to a familiar life situation.
In the area of morals, certain Consistory Degrees teach the ultimate victory of good over evil, the dignity of labor, the sacredness of duty and unselfish service as the test of one’s religious professions. A leader of men is taught that he must be righteous if he aspires to influence others and that he should listen, with open mind, to the lessons of the ages.
In social relations, the Consistory teaches that toleration is respect for the opinions and religious convictions of others; that he who judges others must himself be above reproach; that it is noble to forgive but ignoble to seek revenge; that a Freemason who commits a felony will not be shielded by his brethren; and that he should have faith in himself, in his fellowman, and in God.
In the area of national affairs, the Consistory holds firmly to the separation of Church and State and teaches that treason is a crime over which Masonry casts no mantle of charity. It proclaims that the crowning glory, in any human life, is that sacrificial love which impels one to lay down his life for a friend.

Charter Granted
September 26th, 1962

Jonathan Richeson
Commander in Chief
Blue Lodge

Rory Wolff
1st Lieutenant Commander
Blue Lodge

James Lutz
2nd Lieutenant Commander
Blue Lodge

Alan Burton, MSA
Blue Lodge

Scott Kennan
Blue Lodge

Master of Ceremonies
Blue Lodge